The Ghost In The Top Hat

I don’t know how, why or when he got here, but I know he’s not bad or evil for many reasons. I am 11 years old and I swear this story is true.

I don’t know his name, but I first saw him, I don’t know, about three years ago. He has a black top hat and an old fashioned suit with a very detailed cane.

I was walking into my living room. I turned around to pick up a toy my sister had left out. When I turned back around I saw him! He was a young man, about in his 20’s, he bowed to me and disappeared into the wall. But while he was there I wasn’t afraid. I felt like he wasn’t a threat.

I “saw” him once again, except I didn’t see him exactly. I lost my CD player once. I just had checked my desk and went to look in my sisters room figuring she took it. When I came back, it was sitting right there! On my desk! I was dumbfounded. Then I saw him walk through the wall. He smiled before disappearing. I thought I was dreaming.

I think he’s my friend. I haven’t seen him lately, though. Although I’ll never forget his friendly warm smile.

Sent in by Sammie Jo, Copyright 2008 True Paranormal Tales

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