Demented Hill

When I went on a camping trip with my family at a Camp Site in Wales, we set up our tent at the bottom of a steep hill covered with shrubs. Everyday, we took our dog up the hill for a walk. Nothing unusual happened.

However, one evening another girl at the Camp Site told me I was mad to go up ‘Demented Hill’. I asked her why and she simply shrugged and instructed me to meet her at the bottom at 5-minutes to midnight. I agreed and at the stated time, met the girl, Pearl, at the bottom of the hill.

She didn’t say a word but led the way up the hill. It was cold, and we heard whispers. We reached the top and started to look around. A few white figured stood in the shadows, like I kind of image in the corner of your eye.

Then stones and leaves started hitting us, but no-one was throwing them. Then we heard this fuzzy, distant voice telling us to leave it’s hill and then we felt something shove us. We tumbled down the hill and the next day, scared and hurt, we left. But that holiday haunts my memory even now.

When this happened, I was so scared, and ever since, I’ve believed in the paranormal.

Written by Aisleah Hutchins, Copyright 2008

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