Revolutionary War Ghost

When I was about thirteen we lived in a farmhouse that had been in my Great-grandfather’s family for almost 65 years. To make things even weirder for me, we lived near where a part of the revolutionary war had taken place.

One day my cousin and I were walking in the woods together when we heard men talking and then we heard horses running. Since there were no animals on the farm, I knew it wasn’t one of ours and we knew that our neighbors didn’t have any. Then I heard the horses coming toward us, that’s when my cousin and I got really scared and we both ran out of the woods.

A year or two later, I had forgotten the experience. One day, when my brother Nahissah, my sister Annissa, my cousin Crystal (different cousin) and I were playing softball in the field right next to those very same woods, when all of a sudden my dog Cocoa ran into the woods like he always did.

For some weird reason, I got really curious as to what he was doing so I suggested that we watch through a clearing. When we looked into the clearing, we saw a transparent man in an old revolutionary war uniform petting our dog, then all of a sudden the man disappeared but he was still petting my dog. Since then I’ve seen a few more ghosts at my most recent home but no experience even measured up to how scary that one was.

Sent in by Ashley Humiston, Copyright 2008

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